Balsin Gun Stock Oil by Ballistol

With Ballistol Balsin oil, dried and weathered wood becomes water-repellent and weather-resistant. At the same time, this oil gives the wood a beautiful silky shine and keeps the old its own color.
After shooting or after hunting, apply the oil with a clean, lint-free cloth and leave it on overnight, then wipe the excess oil off the wood with a circular motion.
For new and untreated wood, sand the wood smooth with a sandpaper with a grain of at least 400. Clean the wood well with a lint-free cloth. Then apply a generous amount of oil to the wood and let it soak overnight, then rub away the excess oil. Repeat this process for a deeper color and bright shine.
- Posted by: Rob on 5 April 2024Ik gebruik meerdere producten van Ballistol, naar volle
tevredenheid, o.a. het koudblauwsel, de kolfolie, en de universele onderhoudsspray.
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